Catalogue Design of Liv Interio
Our client, Liv Interio is a renowned interior designing firm who wanted us to create an exceptional catalogue for them. Artojar came forward with a detailed yet effortless design in order to take hold onto their existing clients yet grabbing the attention of the potential ones. Our team closely discussed the expectations with our client to collaborate with the brand in a fruitful way. After keenly studying the brand’s detailed overview, we brainstormed some classic concepts for a contemporary brand like Liv Interio.
- Liv Interio
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Advisory

Just like Liv Interio carefully selects colour themes, furnishing and designs for their clients, we, at Artojar were excited to do the same for a leading interior designing firm. We thoughtfully picked the colour scheme which was compatible with the brand. Our team also considered brand’s aesthetic while choosing the alignments for the catalogue. We cherry-picked minimal design theme along with a progressive font for better illustration of the brand’s components. The designs were placed in a quite reader friendly layout for an attractive reach to the customers.
The brand’s specifications were prudently placed in an appealing manner. There were sections that summarised the service & product details of the brand. We specifically dedicated spaces for the contact patch to encourage clients in getting in touch with them for relevant queries. We also exhibited some of their latest on-going and completed projects in an organised way. Featuring their furnishing products, design elements was one thing we knew would definitely draw new business to Liv Interio & we certainly succeeded in doing so for our client.

Artojar is truly grateful for our clients like Liv Interio for dedicating their trust. We are committed to our vision and creativity and we tend to stand up to our client’s expectations extraordinarily. Our catalogue work for Liv Interio demonstrates our ability to efficiently withstand the client’s belief and enhance their business in a timely manner.