Brochure Design of Goodluck India

Goodluck India Limited is a big name in the Structural Fabrication Industry. Artojar was assigned to create a brochure for the company where we utilised our critical thinking to create something out of the box for such a vast yet distinctive industry. Our team organised the company’s specialisations to effortlessly put forward each and every detail of their products. We shortlisted designs to finalise the best one that was compatible with the industry type and used vibrant shades to make the brochure look appealing.

  • Goodluck India
  • Structural Fabrication
  • Road safety and Structural Products
Goodluck Brochure Design
Goodluck Brochure Design
Goodluck Brochure Design

Artojar made the most of such a diverse company like Goodluck to showcase their ability to sort every bit of details provided to us by the company and showcase it to its potential patrons in the most effective way possible. To create a buzz among the prospects, we picked a colour scheme that would attract the customer’s attention in no time and teamed it up with fonts that clearly featured the company’s knack. We did our best to cover each and every bit of the company’s expertise in a dedicated way.

As Goodluck is an Indian originated company but also deals globally, we portrayed the company’s overseas existence through interactive maps, location pins and connecting dots. We also closely studied the company’s present-day scenario, from their best-selling products to the numbers depicting their growth rate, we keenly mentioned every bit of the required info to increase the probable number of customers coming onboard. We also exhibited their success stories through pictures of them winning awards and recognitions to encourage potential folks in investing their trust in them.

Goodluck Brochure Design
Goodluck Logo
Our working coordination with a company like Goodluck was fruitful and productive. Artojar’s approach to deeply understand the client’s need and flourish the partnership resulted to be profitable for Goodluck. If you’re looking for an agency that would dive into your business to bring out the best for you then do not look any further, get in touch with us right away.
Goodluck Brochure Design